Ship’s Brother — Aliette de Bodard

Ship's Brother, written by Aliette de Bodard.

Originally published in Interzone Issue 241, which you can now read for free over at Clarkesworld and also in the collection, The Dragon that Flew Out of the Sun and Other Stories, which is also free to download.

Another story that’s similar to the last two, being centred around the birth of a shipmind, and like The Shipmaker, i feel it would be better placed in the reading order before Shipbirth as we are given even more information about these shipminds and their beginnings that i would have liked to have known before Shipbirth.

In this story Aliette explores the sibling dynamics between a human boy and his mindship sister, but its a dynamic that begins corrupted by the boy attending the extremely difficult birth of the shipmind.   Aliette also introduces us to the fact that these mindships can communicate as fully sentient beings and that the ship is part of the family from which it is birthed.

We’re also introduce to another fact in this ever more interesting universe: that some cultures do not use mindships and have banned them from their space.   So we’re given quite a few teasers of more interesting things to come, which i’m looking forward to.

Once again, very well written and just at that perfect length to enjoy in one easy, flowing read without even having to put the Kindle down — so make a cuppa, go to the loo and turn your phone off before you start.

Next up: Two Sisters in Exile.

Aliette’s Page

#scifi #aliettedebodard